Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dear 7th-8th Grade Hebrew Students Parents,

The learning level in our class is exhaling, as we progress in our chapter book. The student are really into the plot, and can’t wait to read what will happen next. As a weekly routine, we are reading articles from the Hebrew newspaper, Breshit, and the student are preparing an oral presentations, including a poster and props, about the article they chose to read.
Upcoming assignments and quizzes:.
Friday, 12/17/10- vocabulary quiz. (The word list is attached to this email.)
Tuesday, 12/21/10- Oral presentation of newspaper articles.
Please contact me with any questions,

Thank you,

Galit Golan
Hebrew Language and Israel Studies Coordinator
Columbus Torah Academy
(614) 864-0299 X114

Dear 9th-10th Grade Hebrew Students Parents,

The challenge level in our Hebrew class is rising, as we progress in our chapter book, and focus on the historic background to the events described in the book. In this content, we are now watching a movie about Eli Cohen, the Israeli spy in Damascus.
As a weekly routine, we are reading articles from the Hebrew newspaper, Yanshuf, and the student are preparing an oral presentations, including a poster and props, about the article they chose to read.
Upcoming assignments and quizzes:
Thursday, 12/9/10- Eli Cohen worksheet due.
Friday, 12/17/10- vocabulary quiz. (The word list is attached to this email.)
Tuesday, 12/21/10- Oral presentation of newspaper articles.

תאריך: 12/6/10 שם:______________

רשימת אוצר מילים רביעית לכיתות ט'-י

1. כעס(was angry)__________________________________________________ _____

2. חופשה (vacation)__________________________________________ ____________

3. צדק (was right) (v) _____________________________________________________

4. האמין (believed) _______________________________________________________

5. שינוי(change) _________________________________________________________

6. כאב(pain) ___________________________________________________________

7. יחס( ) __________________________________________________________

8. ניסה(tried) ___________________________________________________________

9. גרש, לגרש ________________________________________________________________________

10. הציל(saved) __________________________________________________________

11.כתבה article _______________________________________________________________

12. מכבי אש fire fighters________________________________________________________

13. שרפה fire___________________________________________________________________

14. להצית to set a fire in _________________________________________________________

15. יער forest _________________________________________________________________


בס"ד תאריך:______________ שם:____________

דף צפיה בסרט: "אלי כהן- סיפורו של מרגל"
ענה על השאלות שלפניך:
1. מה היו הגורמים (causes)שהשפיעו על החלטתו (decision)של אלי כהן להיות מרגל?
2. מה היה תהליך ההכשרה (training process)של אלי כהן?

3. עם אילו קשיים (difficulties) התמודדה משפחתו של אלי כהן?

4. עם מי מצמרת השלטון (Government) הסורי התחבר אלי?
5. תן דוגמאות למידע (information)שהעביר אלי לישראל.
6. כיצד נתפס אלי?

7. מה היתה תרומתו (contribution)הגדולה של אלי כהן למדינת ישראל?
8. מה היה סופו של אלי כהן?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

H.W. For Wednesday, 12/8/10:


Yesterday, we talked about the fire tragedy in Israel.
H.W. For Wednesday, 12/8/10: Research online about the fire in Israel, and writ 5 facts (sentences) about the fire.

H.W. For Thursday, 12/9/10: Complete the writing of sentences with each one of the new vocabulary words.
(Please see list bellow)

רשימת אוצר מילים רביעית לכיתות ט'-י

1. כעס(was angry)__________________________________________________ _____

2. חופשה (vacation)__________________________________________ ____________

3. צדק (was right) (v) _____________________________________________________

4. האמין (believed) _______________________________________________________

5. שינוי(change) _________________________________________________________

6. כאב(pain) ___________________________________________________________

7. יחס( ) __________________________________________________________

8. ניסה(tried) ___________________________________________________________

9. גרש, לגרש ________________________________________________________________________

10. הציל(saved) __________________________________________________________

11.כתבה article _______________________________________________________________

12. מכב י אש fire fighters________________________________________________________

13. שרפה fire___________________________________________________________________

14. להצית to set a fire in _________________________________________________________

15. יער forest _________________________________________________________________

חנוכה שמח!
מורה גלית

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Upcoming assignments and quizzes


The school year is moving along quickly, and it's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here.
In class we speak only Hebrew, and expand their vocabulary and grammar skills tremendously. We are reading along in our Hebrew chapter book "Habricha" (The Escape), reviewing grammar, reading newspaper articles from the Hebrew newspaper "Yanshuf", and practice Hebrew conversations on set topics.

Upcoming assignments and quizzes:
Wednesday, November 24th- A presentation of a newspaper article before the class.
Tuesday, 11/30/10 - Oral quiz (conversation in the clothing store)
Friday, 12/3/10- Vocabulary quiz. (See vocabulary list bellow)

4th Vocabulary list- For quiz on Tuesday, November 30th
9th grade Hebrew Class

נושא (topic, subject)_____________________________________________________________

2. לאלתר, מאלתר(improvise)________________________________________________________

3. ללמוד בעל-פה(to memorize) ______________________________________________________

4.(Noun) עותק, עותקים(copy, copies) ______________________________________________________________________________

5. לצלם(To take a picture, to copy) ______________________________________________________________________________

6. זאת לא אשמתי(It’s not my fault ) ______________________________________________________________________________
7May I help you? אפשר לעזור?
8. More or less פחות או יותר
9. Fitting room תא הלבשה

10. אני לא בטוח I’m not sure ____________________________________________________

11 נמאס לי מ... I had enough of…

12. זה מתאים לי It fits me

13. מידה size __________________________________________________________________

14. קצר Short_________________________________________________________________

15.אני מצטער I’m sorry_________________________________________________________

16. להגיד to say________________________________________________________________

17. רשימה list__________________________________________________________________

Please contact me with any questions,

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

Morah Galit

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Retake of the Grammar quiz- Friday 11-12-10


I'm proud of you, as you all did well on the quiz yesterday :-)

However,not as much the Grammar quiz. Thank G-D for second chances.

Retake of the Grammar quiz- Friday 11-12-10. Please study!

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reading Book Home Work- Due Wednesday, 11/3/10

Reading Book Home Work Due Wednesday, 11/3/10
Write sentences with each one of the vocabulary words appeared on chapter 3 study sheet.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Hebrew Quiz On Friday

Dear 9-10 Grade Parents,

On Friday, 11/5/10, your child will have a Hebrew quiz on chapters 1, 2 of the Hebrew chapter book we read in class, "Habricha." ("The escape"). This will be an "open book" quiz.

The right way to study for this quiz is:

1. Re-read chapters 1-2.

2.Review the notes we took in class.
3. Review the vocabulary words appear on the worksheet for each chapter.
4. Review the questions and the answers appear on the worksheet for each chapter.

5. Make a list of the characters in the chapter, and the information told on each one of the characters.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homework Due Monday, November 1st


Please complete reading chapter 2 in the book "Habricha", and complete the worksheet for this chapter.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Upcoming Hebrew Grammar quiz


On Friday, 10/29/10, we will have a Hebrew Grammar quiz on prepositions that show relationships.
The best way to study for this quiz is to review pages 3-12 in the Grammar booklet, and memorize the prepositions on pages3 and 8.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Home Work for the upcoming week


The students received today a new vocabulary list, for a quiz on Friday, October 22ND

.Home Work due Tuesday, October 19Th:
Write sentences with 8 of the new vocabulary words.

.Home Work due Thursday, October 21Th:
Write sentences with 9 of the new vocabulary words.

Home Work due Wednesday, October 20th
Practice new conversation.

Vocabulary list:. לעשות דוקא___________________________________________________________

2. מנהיג (leader)_________________________________________________________

3. ראש ממשלה(prime minister) ______________________________________________

4. שר ביטחון (secretary of defense) ___________________________________________

5. מתנגד- להתנגד(appose) _________________________________________________

6. לנהל(to manage) ______________________________________________________

7. נאמן(loyal) __________________________________________________________

8. מסכים(agree) ________________________________________________________

9. תחרות(contest, competition) _____________________________________________

10. מדינה(state, country) ___________________________________________________

11. נבהל got scared ____________________________________________________________

12. לחש whispered ____________________________________________________________

13. מסכים agrees ______________________________________________________________

14. מאמין believer, believes in ____________________________________________________

15. אמיץ brave _________________________________________________________________

16. עזוב אותה leave her alone ____________________________________________________

17. שכונה neighborhood _________________________________________________________

18. נורא terrible _______________________________________________________________

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Galit

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

H.W. Due Monday, 10/18/10


Today we continue with our reading book, הבריחה
H.W. Due Monday, 10/18/10
Worksheet for chapter 1- questions 1,2,

Lila Tov,

Mora Galit

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Reading Book and more news...


We were all excited to start our reading book this week. We also read an article about the peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, and the Palestinians’ demands regarding the settlements. It was a great opportunity for us to review the history of the crisis between Israel and the Palestinians.

Home Work- Due Monday 10-11-10:
Write 3 questions about the news article you read.

Lila Tov,

morah Galit

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hebrew Conversation Quiz

Shalom and Moadim L'simcha,

Today in class we reviewed the conversation for Yom Kippur and Sukkot.
On the oral quiz, October 10th, students will have to present a conversation about Yom Kippur and Sukkot with a partner.
The following reminders will be on the board during the oral quiz:

Ask and tell about:

The Yom Kippur fast
The plans for the holiday of Sukkot
The plans for the holiday of Simchat Torah.

Student can memorize the given conversation (It was handed to the students, and is also on an attached file to this email)
or make one of their own, referring to the subjects above, and using phrases that were learned in class. (A list of phrases is on an attached file to this email. students need to use at least 5 of the 9 phrases given.)

A list of phrases to be used during the conversation. (Students need to use at least 5 of the 9 phrases given.)

משפיע עלי

מפריע לי

יש לי בעיה

מצטרף ל

אפשר להפגש

רעיון מצויין

אל תשכח

מה דעתך

שיחה ליום כיפור וסוכות -רמה א' - Conversation

דני: נו, אהרון, אתה מתרגש לפני צום יום כיפור?
אהרון: האמת היא שאני מאוד מתרגש.,כי הצום משפיע עלי מאוד לרעה.
דני: למה? הצום בכלל לא מפריע לי.
נכון, אני קצת רעב וגם צמא, אבל זה עובר מהר, אך אני אתגבר.
אהרון : לי זה מאוד מפריע.
יש לי בעיה עם השתייה. אני אוהב לשתות הרבה.

דני: אני שוב אומר לך ,שלא איכפת לי בכלל מהצום.הצום בכלל לא מציק לי.
אהרון: תגיד, אני אראה אותך בבית הכנסת?
דני: נראה לי שאני מצטרף לסבא שלי לבית הכנסת שלו.
אהרון אז מה דעתך לבוא אלי במוצאי הצום?

דני: אני לא חושב, כי אני צריך לעזור להורים שלי לבנות את הסוכה.
אהרון: נו, באמת. אז מתי אפשר להיפגש? נראה לי שאתה חבר מאוד עסוק.
דני: בחול המועד..מה אתה לא נוסע להרשי פארק?
אהרון :כן, אז ניפגש באוטובוס, וככה יהיה לנו הרבה זמן לשוחח.
דני: זה רעיון מצויין, רק אל תשכח להביא איתך את ארבעת המינים,

Chag Sameach,

Morah Galit

Monday, September 20, 2010

Home Work due Monday, September 27th


Today we had fun talking in Hebrew about our Yom Kippur experiences.
Students had the chance to read their before the class, if they didn't do so yet.

Home Work due Monday, September 27th
Complete the writing of 11 sentences, with the new vocabulary word.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Upcoming quizzes for the 9th-10th grade Hebrew class

Please remember the two upcoming quizzes for the 9th-10th grade Hebrew class.
10/5/10-Hebrew vocabulary quiz. 10/10/10 - Oral quiz- conversation.
Following are the study sheets:

רשימת מילים לבחן אוצר מילים שני:

כרטיס ברכה
מה דעתך

שיחה ליום כיפור וסוכות -רמה א'

דני: נו, אהרון, אתה מתרגש לפני צום יום כיפור?
אהרון: האמת היא שאני מאוד מתרגש.,כי הצום משפיע עלי מאוד לרעה.
דני: למה? הצום בכלל לא מפריע לי.
נכון, אני קצת רעב וגם צמא, אבל זה עובר מהר, אך אני אתגבר.
אהרון : לי זה מאוד מפריע.
יש לי בעיה עם השתייה. אני אוהב לשתות הרבה.

דני: אני שוב אומר לך ,שלא איכפת לי בכלל מהצום.הצום בכלל לא מציק לי.
אהרון: תגיד, אני אראה אותך בבית הכנסת?
דני: נראה לי שאני מצטרף לסבא שלי לבית הכנסת שלו.
אהרון אז מה דעתך לבוא אלי במוצאי הצום?

דני: אני לא חושב, כי אני צריך לעזור להורים שלי לבנות את הסוכה.
אהרון: נו, באמת. אז מתי אפשר להיפגש? נראה לי שאתה חבר מאוד עסוק.
דני: בחול המועד..מה אתה לא נוסע להרשי פארק?
אהרון :כן, אז ניפגש באוטובוס, וככה יהיה לנו הרבה זמן לשוחח.
דני: זה רעיון מצויין, רק אל תשכח להביא איתך את ארבעת המינים,

Monday, September 13, 2010

H.W.-the story השער נפתח לרווחה


Today we started the story השער נפתח לרווחה
The story talks about new beginnings, and deals with the fear of the unknown.


Write a paragraph about your personal object of fear, or about a time when you have been very scared.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homework due Wednesday

Complete your greeting card draft.

Shannah Tova

Morah Galit

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Students learned Hebrew and Israeli songs


I wanted to share with you the wonderful experience the students in grades 7-12 had today during their Hebrew classes. Each grade level went to the shul during their Hebrew time. In the shul the students learned Hebrew and Israeli songs, and sang together. Everyone had a great time, and the Israeli spirit was defiantly there.
You can check the school facebook site at :


for the video clip.


Morah Galit

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home work for Friday, 9/3/10

Read the 2nd paragraph in the storyהשער נפתח לרווחה
write and answer 3 questions about this paragraph.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

great writers and homework


Today we've discovered that we have some great writers in our class. Students wrote impressive assay about their summer fun, and read it before the class!!!יישר כח

Homework due Thursday, 9/2/10

Correct your rough draft, and copy it on a clean paper.

Lila Tov,

morah Galit

Monday, August 30, 2010

Verbs for quis on Friday, Sep. 3rd

פעלים לבחן ביום שישי.

נ.ס.ע נסע- נסעתי- נוסע- אסע
ש.ח.ה שחה- שחיתי- שוחה- אשחה.
ט.ו.ס טס- טסתי- טס- אטוס
ר.כ.ב רכב- רכבתי- רוכב- ארכב
ב.ל.ה בילה- ביליתי- מבלה- אבלה
פ.ג.ש פגש- פגשתי- פוגש- אפגוש.
ע.ב.ד עבד- עבדתי- עובד- אעבוד.
נ.ד.ב. התנדב- התנדבתי- מתנדב- אתנדב
י.ש.נ ישן- ישנתי- ישן- אשן.
ע.ז.ר עזר- עזרתי- עוזר- אעזור.
נ.ו.ח. נח- נחתי- נח- אנוח
ד.ב.ר דיבר- דיברתי-מדבר- אדבר
ק.ר.א קרא- קראתי- קורא- אקרא.
ע.צ.ל. התעצל- התעצלתי- מתעצל- אתעצל

ט.י.ל. טייל- טיילתי- מטייל -אטייל

H.W.- Due Wednesday, Sep. 1st and quiz reminder


I hope you all had a great weekend.
Today we started the story השער נפתח לרווחה/מאת עמוס לווין

H.W.- Due Wednesday, Sep. 1st.
Read the first paragraph of the story, and write 2 questions about it.

Vocabulary quiz on new verbs- Friday, Sep. 3rd.

Laila Tov,

Morah Galit

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Homework due 8/27/10


What a pleasure to hear only in Hebrew your classroom!
Great job today.

Homework due 8/27/10
Complete worksheet חוויות מהקיץ with the new שרשים we've learned.

Lila Tov,

Morah Galit

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The new school year is starting

Dear parents,

The new school year is starting, and I'm very thankful for the opportunity to be your child's Hebrew teacher. Currently, based on your child’s achievements in Hebrew last year and final test score, your child has been assigned to the high level Hebrew class. However, during the first month of the school year, there are often changes in class level assignments. If you have any question about your child’s class assignment, please contact me.
We are heading toward an exciting year, learning Hebrew through an age appropriate Hebrew chapter book, Hebrew news paper, grammar and more. My classes will be based on the principal of Ivrit B'Ivrit.
As always, the Hebrew department promotes open communication between parents to teachers and vice versa. This will enable you, as a parent, to know what your child is learning in Hebrew class, as well as tests and assignment schedule.
To reach this goal, you can check my blog, which will be updated often, and will contain the homework assignments, as well as quizzes and tests schedule. You will also receive reminder emails, before tests and other assignments.

Please feel free to contact me with any question.
You can reach me via phone at the school: (614) 864-0299 x114 or via email at: ggolan@toraacademy.org , or check my blog at http://ggolan.blogspot.com/

Looking forward to a wonderful school year,


Galit Golan
Hebrew language and Israel education coordinator
Columbus Torah Academy
(614) 864-0299 X114

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Galit Golan, and I’m the Hebrew coordinator in CTA, as well as a Hebrew teacher for the 5th grade, and two of the upper school grades.

I was born and raised in Israel. I served in the Israeli military and right after that started gain my higher education in Tel Aviv University, where I received my Bachelor degree In Jewish history and Hebrew literature. I received my teaching diploma with honor from Bar Ilan University in Israel, and now in the process of completing my master’s degree. I worked many years as a teacher, a Hebrew director and curricula developer.

I believe that a relaxing and encouraging learning environment enables the student to learn more, and to enjoy the learning process better.

My main goals this year are:

●To continue bringing enthusiasm and excitement to the classrooms.

●To improve the student’s phonetic reading in Hebrew by tracking their levels and progress, and implementing a new approach, based on the “Hebrew Reading Magic” curriculum.

●To implement our spiral curriculum for grades 6th-12th, based on the school’s philosophy and specific educational needs.

● Support parents, students and new hebrew teachers, with all their Hebrew needs.

Please free to contact me regarding any concern you might have, or with any new ideas for the Hebrew program.

Galit Golan