Wednesday, November 30, 2011

H.W. for Wednesday, 12/1/11

Shalom Everyone,
Today we learned a conversation about our families.The students had the opportunity to complete the conversation and practice it with a Friend.

Please learn the conversation for tomorrow.

Lilah Tov,
Morah Galit

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Grammar quiz next week

Shalom Everyone,
Today in Grammar class we learned about שם תואר ותואר הפועל.
Please study for the quiz next week, about שם עצם, שם תואר ותואר הפועל.
(Pages 83-85 in your grammar book.)

Lilah Tov,
Morah Galit

Monday, November 28, 2011

H.W. Due Tuesday, 11-28-11

Shalom Everyone,

Today we started reading the story שבת המלכה
(Page 38 in our green book.)
The narrator uses a sentence pattern ofיש לי/ אין לי
Please write 3 sentences with יש לי and 3 sentences with אין לי.
(At least 5 words in each sentence. )

Lila Tov,
Morah Galit

Monday, November 21, 2011

H.W. and vocab. list for spelling quiz on Wed., 11/23/11

Vocab. list for spelling quiz on Wed., 11/23/11
Complete (the sentence)השלם

Goes to sleep הולך לישון

How do you say in Hebrew איך אומרים בעברית

ask (a question)שואל

Ask for מבקש

H.W. (Due tomorrow, 11/22/11)Write a sentence with each of the words in the vocab. list.

Lilah Tov,

Morah Galit

Fruit and Vegi - quiz retake.

Today, part of the students took the quiz retake. If you scored less then 80 on your fruit and vegi quiz, and didn't have the chance to retake the quiz today, please prepare to retake it on Wednesday, 11/23/11.

Lilah Tov,

Morah Galit